Jo-Anne’s art is motivated by ‘happiness’ she paints an idyllic visual image to escape into, away from the hectic pace of life and to hopefully contribute to the well-being of the viewer.

 She is inspired by Rousseau’s, faux naïve art style, the vibrant colours of Matisse who said artists use nature to be able to have a deeper understand of themselves and Fauvism with its strong hues to evoke a dream-like quality.

 In all her paintings she draws from her travels in Bali, India, Japan, Morocco, Africa, and Australia.

 Nature is the main highlight in her work because it inspires serenity and peacefulness, while the animals and birds reflect a balance and joy. 

Jo-Anne over the past decades has worked as a Senior Counsellor in Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing both in private practice and corporate settings.

She is passionate about the Art Space and development of the NFT community.

Jo-Anne is available for commissions.